a love letter from the editor

by sarah crawford


Happy Thursday to everyone - lesbian, bi, gay, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, questioning, genderqueer, ally.

To everyone who believes that love is love and in the universal right to love. Everyone who has lost someone, been abused, been heartbroken; everyone who has lost their hope for love. Everyone who loves the planet, loves their home, loves their neighbors. The homeless, the poor, the prisoners, the refugees, the discriminated and the downtrodden. Everyone who loves someone, who loves themselves, their family, their friends, their pets, their jobs, their lives.

Wherever you are in your relationship with love, I hope you’ll take the mythological spirit of Valentine, someone who married people in secret, and carry it into your actions this year. Have empathy, make eye contact, forgive. Give to those in need, share your resources and privilege with friends and with strangers. And never forget to take care of yourself. Once we learn to love ourselves, we learn how we can and must love others.

The fight for love is never done.