nowhere to stay in the city of love: a hilarious metaphor for something, i'm not sure what

Things I wore in Paris:

J Crew striped shirt, Tommy Hilfiger pink shorts / H&M crop top and skirt / American Threads black dress, Anthropologie embroidered weekender / American Eagle white tank, blue midi skirt & floral dress both handmade by my grandmother

Things we learned in Paris:


Learn a little French before you go and always fully communicate with your airbnb host (hotel, hostel, etc.) way before you get there. Otherwise, she might bail on you for God knows what reason at the last minute and you will be S.O.L in a place where you don't speak the language and it will be a hell of a time.  -__-

HOWEVER, during our hell of a time, we learned that every single human at airbnb customer service is a bae. Like literal guardian angels straight from the Lord above. God bless them every one. From this point forward I will probably only use airbnb forever because THEY GOT YO BACK BRO.  #blessed

If you have any sort of spiritual bone in your body, or you just like architecture, or history, or the Disney Hunchback movie, or life itself, Notre Dame and Sacre Couer are breathtaking.


Disney is the happiest place on earth wherever on earth you are. But especially in Paris because everything there, including the castle, IS PINK. And they sell Minnie ears with a pink bow that lights up in time to the fireworks show. 

Giverny, the town where Monet lived and painted, is the most picturesque place I've ever been in France. Also, me trying to bike back to the town center in the 15 minutes before our train left was the least picturesque thing I'd ever seen in France.

There is so much to do, but the best Parisian experiences in my opinion are always just sitting back to eat, drink, talk, admire, and let the hours pass without noticing the time. Underneath the Eiffel Tower at night is my favorite place to take place in such innocent debauchery. Americans may know how to get shit done but sometimes it takes being in a beautiful place like Paris to remember to stop running through life. Also HOLLA for no laws against open containers <3
